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Portuguese Words - Beverages
Português água mineral água tônica batida de limão batida de coco café café com leite chá mate chá preto cachaça caipirinha champanhe chimarrão chocolate gelado chocolate quente coca-cola conhaque coquetel gim guaraná leite laranjada licor limonada pinga quentão refresco refrigerante rum suco suco de abacaxi suco de laranja uísque vinho vinho branco vinho tinto |
English mineral water tonic Beat lemon Beat coconut coffee coffee with milk mate tea black Tea cachaça caipirinha champagne mate chocolate ice cream hot chocolate coca-cola brandy cocktail gin guarana milk orangeade liquor lemonade drips quentão refreshment refrigerant rum juice pineapple juice orange juice whiskey wine white wine red wine |
Portuguese Words
1. Adjectives 2. Animals 3. Beach 4. Beverages 5. Body Parts |
6. Clothing 7. Countries 8. Colors 9. Days 10. Face |
11. Family 12. Food 13. Gospel 14. House 15. Jobs |
16. Months 17. Numbers 18. Ordinals 19. Places 20. Question Words |
21. School 22. Sports 23. Weather |