About Charlles Nunes
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Olá Amigos! My name is Charlles Nunes and I’m the creator of Learn Portuguese Now. I was born and raised in a small city in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. I love learning, teaching and writing. Here’s my story...

Serving as a Missionary

When I was 21, I went on a mission, and discovered my passion for teaching.

During this time, I was called to work on the staff. Then, I needed to learn English overnight. My companion helped me learn English at home. We practiced reading aloud in English from 5:30am to 6:30am - every single day, for about three months.

Becoming a teacher

After my mission, I started teaching English for beginners - while studying languages in college. In 2001, I wrote my first book: O Pulo do Gato.

O-PULO-DO-GATO-400My First Book

The birth of Learn Portuguese Now

In 2006 I created Learn Portuguese Now - to share resources with Portuguese learners, and wrote more language books. One of them is: Portuguese in 7 Weeks.


Working in Great Projects

Then, I had the opportunity to work as a Coordinator at the Observer's Program, in the PanAmerican Games Rio 2007 - and in 2008 I worked as an interpreter at the Steam Generators Replacement Project in Angra 1. That’s when my wife, our four kids and I moved to Angra dos Reis, Rio.

In 2010 our youngest daughter passed away. As a way of eulogy, I wrote Simplesmente Poliana - Uma História de Fé, Amor e Esperança. Writing played an important part in my emotional healing process.


Coming back to teaching

That’s when I decided to dedicate myself to teaching again. So, in 2012 my wife and I created a language course in Angra and we called it BLZ Idiomas. BLZ is a short written form for ‘beleza’. Literally, it means 'beauty'. As a slang, it means 'it's all right'.


Coming back to writing!

After working as a teacher for over 30 years, now is the time to dedicate myself to writing again. I hope that my story inspires you to learn Portuguese. In case you want to have private classes - or group classes with me, click on the button below.

Será um prazer te conhecer! =)