May 08, 2024 can be a decisive day in your language journey...
From that day on, you can have two live classes a week with a proven method and improve your Portuguese every day.
Teacher Charlles Nunes - the creator of this Web site - has 3 decades of teaching languages and he will follow you up, as he has done with more than 2000 students so far:
"From the very first class, you will feel more and more confident to speak Portuguese - and make Brazilian friends."
Every week, you will improve your ability to use the structures of the Portuguese language - and you will soon be able to create new sentences on your own!
Fill out the form and join us on this language journey... You will learn Portuguese, discover about Brazil and make Brazilian friends!
1. How much does is cost?
You will have 24 live classes from May to July - eight classes per month.
You can pay 177 USD at once, or divide this amount in 3 installments of 59 USD each.
*The material is included, in audio and PDF.
2. What will I receive?
Olá, tudo bem?
I’m Charlles Nunes, a certified language teacher and author. I want to help you learn Portuguese as soon as possible.
Since 2006, our Team has been helping people from over 150 countries to take the first steps in learning Brazilian Portuguese.
Since 2012, we have helped more than 2000 Brazilians learn English in our language school in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state.
Now, it is your turn to make part of this story.
UNIT 1 | Simple Present
UNIT 2 | Simple Past
UNIT 3 | Simple Future
UNIT 4 | Present Continuous
UNIT 5 | Past Continuous
UNIT 6 | Conditional
After 24 classes, you have the choice to give your first public speech in Portuguese.
Quando falamos sobre as coisas que queremos alcançar na vida, geralmente pensamos em metas grandes e de longo prazo. Mas essas metas são feitas de uma série de pequenos passos. Dando passo de cada vez, nos movemos na direção das nossas metas maiores.
Hoje, eu gostaria de contar pra vocês duas das minhas conquistas. Na quarta-feira, eu fui a Fortaleza com uma vizinha. No dia anterior, eu tinha mandado uma mensagem no Facebook perguntando se ela poderia tirar uma foto de um tubo de drenagem pra mostrar ao moço da loja.
Quando eu abri o Facebook, eu abri ao mesmo tempo o Google tradutor. Foi questão de hábito. Daí, eu parei e pensei, "Mary, você consegue dizer isso em Português", e eu digitei a mensagem pra ela sem usar o tradutor.
Eu estava dependendo demais do tradutor, e às vezes eu deixava o trabalho pra ele. Agora, eu tento primeiro. Se eu ficar bloqueada, então eu abro o tradutor.
Eu sei que as mensagens que eu mando não precisam ser perfeitas. Elas só precisam ser entendidas por quem for ler.
Minha segunda conquista aconteceu quando eu cheguei em casa naquele dia. Eu tinha vindo do mercado, e entre outras coisas, eu comprei um pacote de biscoito Oreo. Sabe, eu como esse biscoito desde que eu era criança, e eu ainda gosto dele! Eu tento ler o que vem escrito nas embalagens, pra melhorar meu português.
Do lado do pacote estava escrito: abriu, provou, gostou. E eu entendi tudinho!
Nas minhas aulas de português mais recentes, estamos estudando o passado, então eu apliquei o que eu tinha aprendido, mesmo sem conhecer as palavras. A terminação era igual. Minha pronúncia pode não ser perfeita, mas eu entendi as palavras.
Agora o próximo passo é incorporar essas palavras no meu vocabulário e começar a usar cada uma delas.
São essas pequenas coisas que me ajudam a seguir adiante com a minha meta de falar Português melhor e de me sentir mais confiante para expandir meu vocabulário com novas palavras.
When we talk about the things we want to achieve in life we often think of long term and big goals. But those goals are made up of a series of small steps. By completing these we are moving forward to reach those bigger goals.
Today, I'd like to tell you about two of my small accomplishments. On Wednesday, I went to Fortaleza with my neighbor. The day before I sent her a message on Facebook asking her if she could take a photo of one of my plastic drain pipes with her phone to show the man at the hardware store.
When I opened up Facebook to send the message, I automatically opened up Google translate too. This was a habit. I stopped myself and thought, “Mary, you know how to say this in Portuguese”, I typed the short message to her without using the translator.
I had become reliant on it to help me and I suppose it made it too easy at times. Now, I'll try first, and if I get stuck, then I will open it.
I know that every message doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be understood by the person reading it.
My second accomplishment happened when I came home that day. I had bought a few groceries, one of which was a pack of Oreo cookies. What can I say, I have eaten them since I was a kid and still like them! I try to read the packaging of products to improve my Portuguese.
On the side of the package it said, opened, tasted, liked, and I understood it!
In my recent lessons here online, we were studying the past tense so I could apply what I had learned to these words even though they weren't words we had studied. The same endings were used. My pronunciation may not be perfect but I understood them.
Now the next step will be to incorporate those words into my vocabulary and begin using them.
It's little things like these that can help push me forward with my goal to speak Portuguese better and to feel more confident to expand my vocabulary with new words.