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Numbers in Portuguese
Portuguese 1 - um 2 - dois 3 - três 4 - quatro 5 - cinco 6 - seis 7 - sete 8 - oito 9 - nove 10 - dez 11 - onze 12 - doze 13 - treze 14 - quatorze 15 - quinze 16 - dezesseis 17 - dezessete 18 - dezoito 19 - dezenove 20 - vinte 21 - vinte e um 22 - vinte e dois 23 - vinte e três 24 - vinte e quatro 25 - vinte e cinco 26 - vinte e seis 27 - vinte e sete 28 - vinte e oito 29 - vinte e nove 30 - trinta 40 - quarenta 50 - cinquenta 60 - sessenta 70 - setenta 80 - oitenta 90 - noventa 123 - cento e vinte e três 100 - cem 200 - duzentos 300 - trezentos 400 - quatrocentos 500 - quinhentos 600 - seiscentos 700 - setecentos 800 - oitocentos 900 - novecentos 999 - novecentos e noventa e nove 1000 - mil |
English 1 - one 2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five 6 - six 7 - seven 8 - eight 9 - nine 10 - ten 11 - eleven 12 - twelve 13 - thirteen 14 - fourteen 15 - fifteen 16 - sixteen 17 - seventeen 18 - eighteen 19 - nineteen 20 - twenty 21 - twenty-one 22 - twenty-two 23 - twenty-three 24 - twenty-four 25 - twenty-five 26 - twenty-six 27 - twenty-seven 28 - twenty-eight 29 - twenty-nine 30 - thirty 40 - forty 50 - fifty 60 - sixty 70 - seventy 80 - eighty 90 - ninety 123 - a hundred and twenty-three 100 - a hundred 200 - two hundred 300 - three hundred 400 - four hundred 500 - five hundred 600 - seven hundred 700 - seven hundred 800 - eight hundred 900 - nine hundred 999 - nine hundred and ninety-nine 1000 - a thousand |
“How old are you?” “Say thirty-thee.” “How much is the discount?” “How many siblings do you have?” “Let's count from 1 to 10...”
Numbers are everywhere. From your telephone number to your address, from you shoe size to your date of birth.
If I wrote them here in a straight list it would be easier for a quick consult, but it would be a quite boring list, wouldn’t it?
So, I prefer to give you an example for each number. Take your time and learn them in an easy and relaxed manner – one by one.
1. Ela vai fazer um aninho amanhã.
She will be one year old tomorrow.
2. Eu passei dois anos na Noruega.
I spent two years in Norway.
3. Já são três horas!
It’s already three o’clock.
4. A maioria dos animais têm quatro patas.
Most animals have four legs.
5. Eu trabalho cinco dias por semana.
I work five days a week.
6. Meia-dúzia significa seis.
Half a dozen means six units.
7. Dizem que os gatos têm sete vidas.
People say that cats have seven lives.
8. Eu tinha só oito anos quando me apaixonei pela primeira
I was only eight years old when I fell in love for the first
9. Nove vezes em cada dez, o cliente tem razão.
Nine times out of ten, clients are right.
10. Este livro está na lista dos Dez Mais por três semanas.
This book has been in the Top Ten for three weeks.
Portuguese Words
1. Adjectives 2. Animals 3. Beach 4. Beverages 5. Body Parts |
6. Clothing 7. Countries 8. Colors 9. Days 10. Face |
11. Family 12. Food 13. Gospel 14. House 15. Jobs |
16. Months 17. Numbers 18. Ordinals 19. Places 20. Question Words |
21. School 22. Sports 23. Weather |