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I think you should. Why?
Because you've just found a roadmap to learn Portuguese the smart way!
And you are not alone on this journey...
I'm Brazilian and in my 20's I needed to learn English quickly, but I didn't now where to start!
Applying what I found out on this journey, you can learn Portuguese the smart way...
Roll up your sleeves. ;-)
Smart learners have common traits. They achieve more results with less effort. Here is why:
1. Smart learners have a clear reason to learn.
When you develop a sense of purpose in what you're doing, you achieve better results than if you just check items on a checklist.
First, discover WHY you want to learn Portuguese, then you will find the best way to achieve your goal.
2. Smart learners follow a process.
If you already ran a long distance or struggled with a long term goal, you know what it takes time to achieve great results.
Learning Portuguese is no different.
You should decide at the very beginning that you are going to put in the time and effort to follow a process.
3. Smart learners focus on one step at a time.
That's it. They don't try to do everything at once.
Many language learners get trapped by the overload of information available. They spend a precious time watching YouTube videos, but their progress is near zero.
Focus on one step at a time, and you will soon notice your own progress. Here are some tips:
Transparent words are called 'cognates'. You can recognize them at first sight.
By learning them first, you can increase your perception in just a few minutes.
Click here to learn how to recognize 3.000 words in Portuguese instantly.
Why is this page ranked #1 at Google?
Because it has clear examples to help you boost your Portuguese right from the start.
You will be surprised by discovering how much Portuguese you already know!
Think about that: By adding the most common words in Portuguese to your toolkit, you will be able to understand more than 50% of any text.
Our FREE lessons will help you learn how to make phrases in Portuguese.
When you understand the STRUCTURE of any language, you can create new phrases by adding blocks, as if you were playing Lego.
You can do so by adding new words to the structures you already know. Like this:
1. Eu quero beber leite. I want to drink milk.
2. Eu quero beber café. I want to drink coffee.
3. Eu quero beber chá. I want to drink tea.
Click here and take a FREE lesson right now.
By practicing these Portuguese Phrases, you will be able to get by in Brazil.
Since their creation back in 2006, the pages on Portuguese phrases have been one of the most visited on LPN.
And that's for a simple reason: they include the most basic phrases for people to get by in Portuguese.
That's why I created a FREE ebook with all their content, and some special bonuses.
Subscribe to our list, and download your FREE copy right now:
I'm a curious guy who learned a second language because I needed to. Like so many other people, I had no idea where to begin...
I started learning English in my early twenties, while I was serving on a mission in my native country, Brazil.
As most Brazilians speak only Portuguese, for seven months learning English had nothing to do with my mission.
At that time I was transferred to the staff.
Then, understanding new missionaries who didn't speak any Portuguese became my top priority.
At first, my efforts didn't bring great results, because I had no plan to follow. But since I found the ONE THING I needed to focus my attention on, speaking English became a matter of time and dedication.
It was back in 1991 - and overcoming this challenge set the tone for the rest of my life.
I graduated in English & Portuguese and with my wife's help we run a language school in Angra dos Reis - close to Paraty - in Rio de Janeiro State.