Brazilian Recipes
Don't Dribble on Your Keyboard!

With these Brazilian Recipes
You will cook like grandma… and eat like a teen!

Bolinhos de Chuva – 'Donuts of rain'

As I told you before, this is the only recipe I can manage without a handbook. I learned it at a very young age, as my mother worked as a sewer and I stayed home with my brother. Nowadays, I still make them for my children, usually at the end of the afternoon.

Let's get started. You will probably have most of the ingredients at home:

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 cups of flour
  • 4 tablets of granulated sugar

    How to make it:

    In a medium bowl, mix in the eggs and sugar. Add the milk and flour, while mixing with a spoon, till you get a homogeneous batter. Finally, add the baking powder and mix a little bit more.

    Fry the doughnuts in a fryer with preheated oil. Take the batter with a spoon, and scrape off the batter into the fryer.

    The oil must be enough to cover the bolinhos completely. As soon as their bottom is OK, they are supposed to turn over by themselves - it’s funny. If they don’t do it, give them a hand.

    Every time you put a new bolinho into the fry, touch the oil with the spoon. It will make easier for the next one to scrape off the spoon.

    When they are golden brown, take them out of the oil and drain them on a plate with a towel paper. (You can add more sugar on your own, if they are too clear, or flour, if they are too dark.)

    Depending on their size, you will have between 20 and 30 delicious 'bolinhos'. Serve them with coffee, milk or juice.


  • After frying, sprinkle over them some sugar with cinnamon.
  • Add a pinch of salt to the recipe, if you want to reinforce the flavor.
  • For a salty version, just replace the sugar by a teaspoon of salt, adding some chopped green onions.

    E bom apetite!

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